Parc Howard Museum in Carmarthenshire new project award

 We are delighted to be working with the Carmarthenshire County Council museum team on the redevelopment of Parc Howard Museum in Llanelli. This work includes the creation of an interpretive framework and exhibition design services, for the various museum galleries as part of the redevelopment project. 

Parc Howard a villa set in the heart of a picturesque park and gardens was built in 1885 by the Buckleys, a family of successful brewers. 

The house and a founding collection was subsequently gifted to the town in 1912 as a public museum by Sir Stafford-Howard and Lady Stepney to mark the occasion of their first wedding anniversary. 

Today Smith and Jones are proud to be working with the existing museum team to redevelop the museum for the local community, true to the original vision of the founders. 

Parc Howard Museum old picture

Smith and Jones Design Consultants Ltd
Spike Island
133 Cumberland Road
0117 3251515
07941 722 269

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Company registration number 05922621 - Vat number 890930010