Exhibitions & displays

We work as visitor centre designers across the country, as well as exhibition designers for companies, organisations or brands.


Exhibition design and build

Smith and Jones work either work on a design and project management basis, or a full exhibition design and build service dependent on the scale of our museum and visitor centre projects. We work with the best fit-out contractors and audio visual suppliers in the country to manufacture and install our designs to the highest standards. Our in house teams manage the wh......

“I just wanted to drop you a quick line to say a huge congratulations and massive thank you for the amazing job you have done on the Discovery Centre..."

Alex O Alexandra O’Dwyer Vice Chair, Jurassic Coast Team.
Learn more about Smith & Jones' work with West Bay Discovery Centre


Exhibition and display designers

Smith and Jones are exhibition and display designers working with a diverse range of people including companies, universities and organisations. Every project has its own unique concept, but our approach is often the same. A clear understanding of the purpose of a project, considering the target audience, digesting and reviewing potential content and themes and crea......

Smith and Jones Design Consultants Ltd
Spike Island
133 Cumberland Road
0117 3251515
07941 722 269

Registered address - 1st Floor, 29 St Augustine’s Parade, Bristol, BS1 4UL
Company registration number 05922621 - Vat number 890930010