Finchingfield Guildhall

Museum redevelopment
Heritage interpretation

“The completed museum is sensational, incorporating elements of our existing, small collection, and showing Finchingfield life in an excellent variety of exciting and interesting media.”

Jackie Bargman - Project co-ordinator Finchingfield Guildhall Trust

Finchingfield Guildhall is a grade 1 listed building in the  heart of the picturesque village of Finchingfield.

Built in about 1470, the Guildhall once played a hugely important part in rural village life of Finchingfield, but with little repairs and maintenance since the 1950s it was considered a Building at Risk. Following the tireless work of Finchingfield Guildhall Trust the guildhall was saved and preserved for future generations with a 1.8million redevelopment project.

Smith and Jones were chosen as the heritage interpretation specialists for this fascinating project, with the creation of a brand new interactive museum space on the ground floor.

We developed a highly interactive, and content filled scheme, which aimed to connect with visitors, opening up the fascinating past of the Guildhall, in an engaging and varied way.

We worked with the trustees in the development of the ‘technology filled’ museum interior, developing a modern dynamic scheme that contrasted with the historic rustic charm of the building.

A range of digital multi-touch displays were installed in order to create layered interpretation that was highly engaging to visitors and gives the trustees flexibility to update in the scheme in the future.

Architect – Kay Pilsbury Thomas Architects

Contractor – Fairhurst Ward Abbots


Finchingfiled Guildhall graphics


Finchingfiled Guildhall interior sketch Smith & jones

Smith and Jones Design Consultants Ltd
Spike Island
133 Cumberland Road
0117 3251515
07941 722 269

Registered address - 1st Floor, 29 St Augustine’s Parade, Bristol, BS1 4UL
Company registration number 05922621 - Vat number 890930010