Lizard Lighthouse heritage centre

Museum redevelopment
Heritage interpretation

“I must also acknowledge the volume of additional work that you undertook to ensure that your ideas were interpreted in the right way. Much of this was done beyond what the formal contract stipulated. To me this underlines the motivation and professionalism you brought to the project.”

Steve Dunning - Trinity House, Lizard Project Leader

Lizard Lighthouse Heritage Centre redevelopment by Smith And Jones arial photo


Trinity House, the UK’s authority for managing and maintaining the countries lighthouses and aids to navigation selected Smith and Jones to design, project manage and oversee the whole interpretive redevelopment of the Heritage Centre at the Lizard Lighthouse.

Based on our own extensive research into Trinity House, the Lizard Lighthouse, and after many discussions with the client, we generated a site wide interpretive scheme for the redeveloped site.

Smith and Jones were responsible for the whole redevelopment of the entire Heritage Centre, working closely with Trinity House over a number of months, ensuring visitors are now taken on an exciting, informative and educational experience.

Our interpretive scheme included a personal guided tour of the lighthouse. It was important to develop the content for the guided tour, in conjunction with the content for the displays, ensuring the two complimented and worked with each other.

After a smooth and organised implementation, fully managed by Smith and Jones, the brand new attraction was officially opened by HRH The Princess Royal.

Lizard Lighthouse Heritage Centre redevelopment by Smith And Jones graphics Lizard Lighthouse Heritage Centre redevelopment by Smith And Jones 3d sketch rendering Lizard Lighthouse Heritage Centre redevelopment by Smith And Jones graphics

Smith and Jones Design Consultants Ltd
Spike Island
133 Cumberland Road
0117 3251515
07941 722 269

Registered address - 1st Floor, 29 St Augustine’s Parade, Bristol, BS1 4UL
Company registration number 05922621 - Vat number 890930010