Smith and Jones are nature centre designers, having designed and manufactured visitor centre concepts in some of the UK’s most stunning landscapes.
We work with councils, architects and organisations such as the Wilflowl and Wetlands Trust to develop strong concepts that create a fantastic visitor experience and fit in with the surrounding landscapes and environment.
We aim to use sustainable ‘real’ materials that can be effectively recycled after their use, limiting the use of plastics and excessive packaging. In fact this is our approach for all of our projects.
We worked as nature centre designers for Torridge Council in Devon, developing a brand new visitor centre installation for Northam Burrows Country Park. This was located in an area of outstanding natural beauty in a brand new architect designed building.
We designed Back from the Brink for the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge, this takes visitors on a journey back in time to Mesolithic Britain when our wetlands were very different places and were brimming with an extensive range of wetland species some of which are now extinct in Britain.