Visitor centre design

We work as visitor centre designers across the country, as well as exhibition designers for companies, organisations or brands.


Visitor centre designers

Smith and Jones are visitor centre designers working with organisations, companies and councils across the UK to conceive, design, develop and install the most inspirational visitor centre experiences. Our process starts with understanding you and your unique story, with the development of an interpretive framework which sets out the concept long before any design w......

Nature centre designers

Smith and Jones are nature centre designers, having designed and manufactured visitor centre concepts in some of the UK’s most stunning landscapes. We work with councils, architects and organisations such as the Wilflowl and Wetlands Trust to develop strong concepts that create a fantastic visitor experience and fit in with the surrounding landscapes and environme......

Smith and Jones Design Consultants Ltd
Spike Island
133 Cumberland Road
0117 3251515
07941 722 269

Registered address - 1st Floor, 29 St Augustine’s Parade, Bristol, BS1 4UL
Company registration number 05922621 - Vat number 890930010